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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

As our wedding coordinator said, we'll have NONE of this today at the wedding, thank you! ....yikes!

Everyone loves good candid shots of their wedding day, but I'm not quite sure THIS is what they had in mind. While this is a wedding far away in some unknown land, it's a reminder to be prepared for anything on your wedding day! Today, your favorite wedding officiant is performing his ceremonial duties at a location with a large-ish body of water. We'll be right on the edge during the ceremony. Our wonderful wedding coordinator, Karla, reminded the bridal party NOT to step back at any time during the ceremony, or wetness could result. We tried the first 'dip kiss' for the photographer last night, and that ended crazy enough! Life is made up of tremendous moments like these that one never forgets. The bridal party and I will hopefully stay full dry and fluffy for the entire event! Congratulations, Nicole and James, and let's keep it on dry land, shall we?

After the offside wedding today, I'll be back at the chapel with Mrs. Boss preparing our space for tomorrow's seed swap and plant seedling event. We're hoping folks show up (10a-4p) and Raeshel (Caliber Oak bride!) is spearheading the thing, so we know we'll have fun, regardless! After that, we go directly into bible study with a screening of Season 2, episode 2 of The Chosen, which we all genuinely enjoy. It's really brought a new facet to the worship and understanding. Looking forward to it all!

Time for me to get cleaned up for today's DRY ceremony! :) Yesterday, I got my times messed up and was headed to the shower at the time I was supposed to be leaving for the rehearsal. Thank God Mrs. Boss was here to say, 'aren't you supposed to be leaving now'. Well, at least this way the bridal party gets to see a clean version of Captain Rick today. Hopefully, they'll be impressed! Blessings to one and all, and have a great day!


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