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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Belinda's Dream Lives ON! Despite rose disease and a major loss in blooming bushes, the wonderful antique strawberry ice cream color is back at the chapel and looks as good as can be! Praise God!

We loved the Belinda's Dream antique roses from the first bush we ever planted. As a result, we probably had about 18 bushes at the chapel. THEN, about 4 years ago, we had a bad rose disease passed among the plants...we thought we lost them all! Thankfully, we've got at least 4 or 5 of the Dreams back up and running. A little gun-shy to go get more, since we could lose them again, but then there's always freezemageddon, drought, etc., so you just never know. As the opportunity presents itself, we'll probably get a few more, since we just love them! Now to get some potassium banana peel water on these babies to make them grow even better!

GOT to get the weeds out of the chapel terrace this week, and Mrs. Boss has taken most of the broken glass from the hail stormed table top to the trash. I've found some more and better chandelier bulbs for replacement, so we're getting back to normal. Clemente is going to work on the road and the drainage plains so that we're ready for business and our next rainstorms!

Otherwise, not much is going on. Moving right ahead with the blessings and blossoms of life! Looking forward to bible study next week, since we didn't have it this weekend. Please consider joining us @ 5p on Sunday nights! Just let us know you're coming! Have a wonderful day!


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