Now this was an excellent touch we don't see every day! The most swords in the chapel, ever! Wow!
For the renewal of vows at M&L's event, they invited their fellow Quest participants, and the place was singing with many, many swords....

This is what love looks like @ the 20-year mark. We really love renewal of vows events like this!
It's one thing to saddle up and do the wedding thing when you're a young pup or poppet. It's a whole 'nuther ballgame when you've...

Well, if you went home from Saturday's wedding hungry, it was your own durned fault! Yummystuff!
Saturday was one of those days where you leave the Keto concept behind and just have a plate full of fun! McKenzie and Lucas renewed...

Wedding day perfection! The weather was amazing and so were our bride and groom. Great beginnings!
Becca and Brandon tied the knot yesterday! We got to be a special part of it at the chapel, and couldn't be happier! He's such a...