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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Idea stolen directly from last weekend's wedding playbook!

Rita and Ana had potted bluebonnets in the old wheelbarrow at the chapel for the beautiful wedding setup last weekend. I knew immediately that this was an excellent opportunity to steal a great idea! I told them that they could leave the wheelbarrow right out front where it was on display, since I was going to do a little planting. A flat of zinnias Mrs. Boss brought home from Wally World later, and we've got the start to a nice little garden spot for the summer. There are some of our zinnia friends in a pot on the wooden barrel on the chapel porch as well. Spring is springing around here, I'm tellin' ya!

Lovely, energy-filled, beautiful weather day at the chapel today. Already have had a visit from Dave, Abbey & Co., to check on their new camper, and Will the Drill is headed this way with a 9mm that will sing an aria on the range again today! Still surviving the raw foods for Lent, but doing taxes and going through receipts that are lying in the box for things like 'pizza pringles' is making it a bit hard? That's the whole idea, folks. Sac. Ri. Fice! It's wonderful, and it's worth it! ......

This afternoon is the "100 Women Grow" event for the Temple Children's Museum. Hopefully, the name will change next year, since I'm not a growing woman, but I am on the board, and so far it's a great group of folks for a wonderful, growing cause! Plan on the ol' Cap hitting you up for a donation in the next year! Glad I get to take a bath and put on a suit for this event! Woohoooo! Top down to town, baby! .....

Otherwise, just tidying up and having a grand old time of it.

He sees you when you're sleeping, He knows when you're awake. We're not talking Santa, here, people. We're talking our loving and living God. Say howdy to him today, and he'll say it right back. Promise! Blessings to everyone for a tremendous wrap up to the weekday week! Chow. Dah.

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