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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

A Vintage Fabulous Wedding Day!

It's official! Debbie and Duane are hitched, and it couldn't have been nicer. Outstanding florals, linens, DJ, food, etc. Virtually EVERYONE danced, which was so fun. We're just sorry we couldn't make it to their post-party the next day, but it was so nice of them to invite us! Congratulations, you two, and now that another bride has picked your look, you've started a trend! Debbie said something important as they left yesterday with the flowers, odds 'n ends.... She thanked me for making her wedding so very special, and I replied (as I often do) with "That's our job". She made a brilliant suggestion, and my new response will be "That's our Joy"! Way better and so very true.

Looking forward to Mike and Amanda's visit today to check the place out, and even got to sleep in this morning. Looking forward to getting our linens all done from this weekend's wonderful wedding and starting to get geared up for W&J's great adventure in two weeks. Got to see the MCT performance of M*A*S*H with Lisa and Laura yesterday, and it was great! Even were hosted at the most gracious Schiller home, and truly had a great day.

Prayers going out to all who need them. An amazing moment yesterday was when Denise was praying for something 12 miles away, and I could FEEL her praying on it. Wowza! Blessings to all for a wonderful week!

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