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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Color, artistry, meaning, and spirituality. Some weddings seem to have it all...

It would be one thing, to go buy this featured piece from K&S's wedding at the 'sto'. It's completely something else for the bride's daughter to find such a special and unique mirror, paint it, letter it, and scroll it for her mom's wedding day. Every element of this is amazing...from the color to the artwork to the care involved. Brava, Brittany, very well done. As a matter of fact, when you get a chance, I'd seriously like a few lessons on lettering/scrollwork like this. Seriously! I'll pay for the lesson, I promise! Call me!

Life is beyond lovable at the blessed chapel this week, with Sunday's skeet shoot, and a pair of excellent days already in the making. Preparations being made for this weekend's wedding, and we're looking forward to the holiday's ahead. ...Miss EmmyLou is at Robert's getting her door chrome attached, and the gameplan might include a trip to Belton in Miss Hydrangea to get some goldfishies for the back yard fountain. We shall see. Mrs. Arnaz has made a couple of elegant and beautiful rides into town the last couple of days, but needs to be put in the barn before the rains start tomorrow. ...$57 was won by that Bruce Child on Sunday during LCR. I think she's a professional. We'll see...investigation ongoing. Unfortunately SSD (Mr. Roney) didn't get a deer yesterday, but will keep trying.

He's speaking to us every minute of every day. Healing words, helpful hints, needed resources. Shut off the negative, the competitive and the broken, and subscribe to the God Channel. you'll be glad you did!:) Blessings to all y'all peeps today and everyday!

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