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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Welcome to the world, Miss Heidi Rae!

Who is the NEWest Caliber Oak baby?!?! That's right, Miss Heidi Rae Mastrilli! She declared her independence from Molly yesterday morning, and it's fitting that it was Texas Independence Day! We couldn't be happier for two people we love greatly and now love a third, already! It's such a wonderful feel when the couples who are married here become parents...kind of completes a cycle, and we get to feel like we've been a small part of that story. Cannot wait to meet the new Miss M, and congratulations, again, to Molly and Matthew on such a beautiful aquisition!

The chapel will be rather quiet today, but that all changes tomorrow... Today, we get to visit with one of our married couples and share a meal! Can't wait, and a grocery run is in our immediate future. Tomorrow, the step-building team comes back (weather permitting!) and more progress gets made on the bridal courtyard steps. Monday, the chapel gets cleaned up, and the setup begins for L&K's wonderful and very special day. Cannot wait! ...Had a wonderful supper last night with Team Steglich, and we even got to show them how to play LCR...we're converting folks to gamblers every week around here!

Repair and patience. He's constantly working in each of us to right wrongs and bring us to spiritual fullness. We recently read that worry and negativity use up valued space that the Holy Spirit needs to work with...really liking that. Have a blessed day, y'all, and BE not afraid!

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