An elegant air of Richmond, Virginia surrounds this plate...

Well, the rainy weather last night inspired me to share a few more antique china photos. May be a little dull for some, but I think it's one of the best ways to showcase who we are as a chapel, since the pieces fit right in here and also are so much a part of our couples big day. The story behind this particular set of 4 cake/canape plates is that I was in Richmond, VA for business about 22 years ago (Frank Sinatra was still alive, people!) and had a day to kill. I ended up at this tremendous antique/flea market event where I stumbled on these 4 plates. They spoke to me immediately! I packed them very, very carefully, and brought them home in my carry on luggage. When I arrived back in Salado, I couldn't wait to show them to the Boss! She didn't love them the way I did, and was kind of 'meh' about them initially... But she's come around. They're kind of an apple/cherry blossom pattern in a 1920's-1930's chinaware style that seem so gracious to me. Wouldn't you just love to know the parties, breakfasts, lunches, celebrations, dinners, etc. that this set has seen?!?!!? One of my favorite parts of this set is that it's used for almost EVERY vintage china wedding here, and the background color/wear/patina is so freaking awesome, since it's kind of a mottled cream due to age. Well, now you know..... AND if you're a lucky guest at a wedding at the chapel and are handed this plate with cake on it, or are blessed enough to get this particular pattern as you select your goodies on the finger-food buffet....REJOICE, and you can share the story with your friends at the table like an Antiques Roadshow expert! :)
Quiet day at the chapel, except for a wonderful visit from Sara and Josh to make final arrangements for their upcoming wedding. We're SO looking forward to their big day, and know all will be well with this laid-back, delightful couple. That rain I mentioned last night really has freshened the zinnias that are still hanging on by the front porch, and I bought a rust colored mum this afternoon to add a little color. Love the fall, y'all!
He must be trusted. We can't do any of this on our own, so we have to rely on the fact that what's happening to us, our condition, situation, circumstances and blessings are all a part of His doing. We love it, and are truly, truly, thankful! Hope you are too, and hope you have a BANG UP last weekday of the week tomorrow!