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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

A mother and son team that can't be beat!

Although Mushroom is giving us another odd look in this photo, we love the unbeatable combination of Laura & Barrett Snyder at the Ministry Appreciation Dinner at the chapel last week. Truly a special family that does so much for so many in our area. Always a pleasure to work with Laura, and Barrett is enjoying the pistol range tremendously these days. God bless the Snyders!

Busy day at the chapel. Having S&J come and have a planning meeting this morning and then the above mentioned Barrett comes to send some lead downrange. Very excited to be marrying a lovely couple this evening and looking forward to picnic day tomorrow! Never a dull moment, and we just love it that way. Also, it looks like E&J are booking their 2018 wedding at our blessed chapel, so the fun just rolls along and along.

Not worrying. That's the key. Sometimes it's easier than others, but usually it's the 'mental space' you decide to inhabit in between prayers. Blessings to all today for no worries. He's got this!

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