Toasting to Happiness!

Last night's wedding of our new friend, the lovely Karen to our old friend Bill was tremendous. Elegant, classy, tasteful....all of the above. Dr. Carl Bradley's piano talents always lend a rich patina to the events and the food catered by Bill's Wildfire Restaurant in Georgetown was some of the finest ever served at the chapel. A truly grand affair on an intimate and meaningful platform. Flowers were stunning in their simplicity, and everyone seemed to have a great time. There was kind of an 'old school' feeling to this wonderful union, and I think it's because it was held on a week had somewhat of a 'celebrity' status....and when one saw Karen's MASSIVELY gorgeous diamond, we knew a celebrity had arrived! Bill is a genuine gem himself, and we've enjoyed his hospitality so much since we met in 1997 as he opened his now-legendary eatery. He's hosted us on so many special occasions, that it was a delight to be able to turn the tables a bit last night and have him at 'our place'! Many years of total happiness and bliss are our prayers for these two as they start this journey together!
Pretty calm today after the celebrity event last night! I've got lots of glasses and dishes to do, but most importantly, actually made it to town to have the trim fixed around the windshield of the 1973 Fleetwood. She's got a 'band-aid' on it now (looks like a big, yellow 'owie') and it comes off tomorrow, but Thomas and Company of Express Auto Glass made things happen for us! Roses are blooming and spring is springing. We're already looking forward to Heather and Robert's big day, which will be here before we know it!
I was reminded driving to Temple today, that He's got this. Got all of this. When we're tempted to wonder....welllll, how is this gonna turn out......and what if THAT doesn't happen....and ....and..... As Elsa would say... "Let it Go". Now, I don't think that means freezing an entire village (that was a little over the top) but you get the drift. Drift. Frozen. Get it?!?!? I slay myself! :) Blessings to everyone for a great day filled with trust and dedication to His direction!