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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

They're baaaaaaaack! Thank Goodness!

This is actually the second blossom I've seen this year, but the first one got kind of nasty looking from all the rain. Love these pink roses, and we're so thankful to have them here. So many brides have enjoyed weddings with them in bloom, and they do pretty decently during the hot summer as well. Rock on, pink roses!

A wonderful day at the chapel. It all began with this week's installment of "Bird house bonanza" with Cindy. Today's event took a little different direction, and we decided to cover 2 pre-made birdhouses with our golden book leftover materials. Easy, right? Um, wrong! Lots of small pieces, crazy gluing, wildly creative glittering.....but we actually got two done! The great news is that they're the right size for the mantle, if we have to have Easter Sunday at the chapel, but they'll still look great at the house if we're blessed with the right weather to have the Holiday there. Either way, they're 'golden'. 'books'. Headed into town after Cindy left in the lovely and talented Mrs. Marian Arnaz ('71 Eldorado convertible) and she did beautifully on her appointed trip to Brookshire's. Got some great stuff for tonight's supper, and even went ahead and got the ingredients for my part of the special birthday luncheon on tap for Sheri this week! Looking forward to that, and we get to see Mary as well, so it'll be a wonderful visit. All in all, another blessed and wonderful day at the chapel!

While we open our hearts and minds to even greater blessings and favor from the breath of God, it's important to be happy with what we have, and literally BLOOM where we're planted. The little things mean a lot, and enjoying them, appreciating them and being generally grateful is so very important. Blessings to all for a day blooming with opportunities and favor!

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