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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

It's official! Wedding Homecoming invitations are here!

Hard to believe it's going to be that time of the year again before we know it. These beautiful invitations arrived yesterday and we'll be slowly getting them out to our married brides and grooms as best we can. Mark the date, you already married couples! We're so looking forward to the event this year, and while we haven't decided what we're having for supper, it's no the company is the most important part! Cap promises to talk LESS this year so that everyone will have more of a chance to meet and greet! If you know you're coming for sure, be sure to let the boss know at! So excited!

A great, relaxing day at the chapel today, with cooler temps and fall weather swirling around us. Corbin came yesterday for a target shooting session and did very, very well! Lots of clean linens to put away, but there's plenty of time. Our beverage service bar got WHEELS this week, so we're really excited about that since that thing is HEAVY for its size!

Being thankful on a minute by minute basis is one of the keys for happiness. Things don't always turn out exactly as we'd hoped, but His plan makes for a way to adjust and move on... Here's to everyone having a day of blessings and thanks!

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