And a SPIKY howdy-do to you today! :)

This is very colorful and happy face that's greeting folks on the front porch of the chapel these days. Ok, maybe not warm and fuzzy (ouch) but certainly a beautiful and radiant look for all to see. A very thoughtful gift from Missy Angel on Easter Sunday, the plant has continued to thrive, despite being knocked over by the wind about a dozen times, and getting too much water from all the rain, etc. The bloom is not only succeeding, but EXceeding by producing new 'flower-ettes' in regular profusion. Amazing...Something tells us this plant may be around a while. In a pot during the hot summer months and living in the greenhouse in the wintertime pretending it's in Phoenix. Thank you, Missy, for such a wonderful and happy reminder of what very special people you and your family are to us.
Wedding preparation day! Lovin' it! Supposed to rain like the dickens today, but actually be clear for this weekend's celebration. Headed down in a little while to clean up last night's dinner setup and titivate the scene in preparation for a very special ceremony. A little citrus salad is on tap for lunch, and the afternoon promises to be lovely...indoors!
The gift of hope is a tremendous one. We enjoyed a film last night that truly reminded us that hope is a gift that contains so much. We wish and pray for hope for everyone and all...without it, like Him, we are lost. Have a wonderful day today, and make this weekend truly special for someone else AND yourself!