Don't you just love it when the groom matches his tuxedo to the getaway car?

We think this is the final, fun photo of the bridal shoot for Stephanie's florals. Love this shot of these two, and we really hope the come to visit again on day soon. Also, I'm going to attempt to get this one on the carousel for the face page, since it's a pretty darned good shot. Great work, you two...take 5.
The rain continues! Woohoo! Last evening, our very own Sarah came to visit and to walk with the ol' Cap, and it was great to have umbrellas and a cloudy sky as we walked past rippling little streams along the side of the road that were actually gurgling with water! THAT's something you don't get to hear in August, usually. The whole walk was like a visit to the UK without the jet lag, and Sarah stayed for an impromptu meal of fresh fruit salad and leftover mashed potatoes...ending the evening with a pot of tea and the re-appearance of Miss Denise after rehearsal. What fun! We've even got another visit in the works that involves the spa! Woooohooo! ... We're excited to see Emily & Bryan today as we put the finishting touches on their settings. We've been looking forward to this wedding for quite a while, and know it'll be just right. We think the world of them both, and can't wait to join them up as one! We also hear their officiant is the bomb, as well! (I've heard the officiant and the groom might be wearing almost matching sidearms under their jackets....but this is just a rumor!) ... Can't wait for the fun this weekend, and it all starts today!
Sharing our faith with others really just becomes letting them know our values, our trust and our freedom obtained by not worrying because He has everything under control. It's neat to see folks making progress towards a comfortable life like that, and we're thankful that we get to be there for some of the progress. Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful rain, abundance, and missions you've given each of us. We hope everyone has a fantastico friday, and finds a new blessing to count today!