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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

And here's how our day looks on radar!

Well, it doesn't look like we'll be doing anything in the chapel gardens today...or outside at all for that matter. We're hoping that the severe weather that struck the San Marcos area isn't a problem here. Prayers! They even talked about a possible tornado near New Braunfels....this is a very unusual weather pattern for us...since most of our weather comes from the NW, rather that the SW, but all will be good at His chapel, and we still need the rain so much!

The cyclamen are in little pots in front of the chapel to create a little happy space as the flowers of the summer fade away... Always a landscaping challenge this time of year, since the front of the chapel faces west, and it can get too hot on some days for delicate flowers.... and then there's the 'bunny problem'! They love just about everything we plant, and it usually doesn't last long. We will continue to come up with colorful-ish ideas, however! Sadly, the pumpkin sale at St. Joseph's was a wash-out this year, since the pumpkin grower cancelled on the church at the last minute. They're usually on the front porch. Oh well....we'll just keep going with mums, cyclamen & stuff until the Christmas preparations begin so very sooon!

Trusting Him. It's what it's all about. Sounds easy, but takes a lot of practice! Wew hope everyone has a fantastic friday, and is blessed tremendously...

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