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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

They thought it was lame...We think it's great!

J&C 4th.jpg

I'm so thankful that somebody is worse at selfies than ME! Jamie and Cameron (& co.) did a 4th of July selfie that is totally cute. Ours always turn out so crazy, so I'm thankful someone else is selfie-challenged! This delightful couple is an important part of Caliber Oak history, and they're so wonderful!

Had a blast announcing the 4th of July parade again this year. Lots of weekend activities, but the biggest was the celebration of our 29th anniversary! Woohooo! We had a great limo.kinda.time at brunch at the fabulous Green Pastures in Austin, and just chilled the rest of the day. Such a fun way to spend the day with my bestie for 29 big ones and beyond!

Generator light is coming on in the Cadillac, so we'll be investigating that today, while we continue to address invitations to the August 9th fundraiser at the chapel. Scenes From for Wags, Hope and Healing. It'll be another drama good time, and we hope lots will come. If you're interested, please call Denise at 254 760 1590 and reserve your spot!

If you get a little tired today, don't forget to stop and rest in Him. I believe He just loves that! Have a great week!

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