When you're working with the right venue, they should be really trying to make the money work well!
We here quasi-nightmare stories all the time. All about venues that take money that they didn't earn, changed the prices mid-stream, didn't provide what they said they would and asked for everything up front! We really pride ourselves on being as fair and honest as possible when dealing with our brides, grooms and families! It's not something we talk about very often, but after hearing what a tough time some folks have had elsewhere, I guess it's worth bragging about just a bit. Never, ever have we kept a dime of money that we didn't feel we earned or agreed to as a deposit! We're also very proud of the fact that our families don't have to pay their balance until 30 days before the wedding.........something that's basically not done any where else around here! Also, we work closely with our brides & Co., to be sure that we are as accurate as possible with the wedding guest count so as to not waste a BIT of the family's money on placesettings/materials that they know they won't need. Again, don't try that with other vendors the week of the wedding...they'll look at you like you have 3 heads! Anyway, just wanted to give a shout out to our honesty and integrity as a venue! We're rather proud of that!
Speaking of taking money from a family.......we get to meet with Renee today to finalize her balance payment and are all set for the big day coming up! Also, we made an appointment with a lovely couple by the name of Amanda and Kyle for a visit coming up, and we have a good feeling about them already!
Keeping things watered, getting geared for a MAJOR fall wedding season with months of back-to-back weddings, but we're excited, tan, (kinda), ready and rested! All will be wonderful for Fall '22's wedding season at Caliber Oak! Hope you get invited to the fun! :)
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