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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Two reasons this photo is being look for a great wedding, #2, new chapel feature!

What a creative display for T&D's ceremony, and it FINALLY allowed me to move forward with this concept. Apparently, the 'contact paper-ish film' that creates this beauty is available somewhere, and I'm going to find it! I've had this idea since the chapel was first created for the large warehouse window between the greatroom and the front hall. We never found the stuff, needed to keep moving and it was left clear. NOW, we've got the sources (we hope) and the idea has come back and I think Tim is going to be willing to be waaaayyyyy up there putting in the film (this would NOT be a job for me, oh Lort). Stay tuned to see how far we get with this concept.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day, and I know we are. Not much going on at the chapel currently, but Kelly and I had a GREAT convo yesterday about A&G's rehearsal dinner and the private chef they're having for this special evening of celebration. Cannot wait, and cannot wait to share our wonderful chapel even more fully with two totally excellent families! It's always fun when you've known the bride since she was a little one.

Zinnias are growing, yard looks pretty good, and no debris from the bible study remains (pretty much). We're excited about a special beveragemeister returning for the next wedding, since he hasn't been here in a while, and plans and staffing are coming together for that wonderful event!

Don't work TOOO hard today, and enjoy every sight and sound you can. Help me out with this translucent film stuff from this photo if you can, and blessings on you 24/7!


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