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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

When you are allowed to pick out a mystery wrapped gift and you end up with something THIS perfect?!

That's just crazy! We were thrilled to be able to host the St. Stephen's Knights of Columbus Christmas party last night, and they even let Lisa and I pick out a raffle ticket for a gift. Right after I got my ticket, my number was called, and I was allowed to select a wrapped gift from a pile of about 10 gifts. What did I pick!!??? A perfectly-sized jigsaw puzzle with a white chapel on it!!!! What are the odds. We can't wait to put it together over the holidays, and it really is so amazing. Again, so thankful we could provide the KofC with a location for the party!

Speaking of up is the exciting marriage date of Emma Grace to Sean! We're tidying up from last night's party, and then letting things idle a bit while Elena does her magic on Monday. After that, we'll start setting up for the big, final wedding of the year! We're so thrilled to have this wedding at the chapel, and have been looking forward to it since the date the engagement was announced! Emma ha been a staple around here for several wedding seasons before she ran off to College Station to get ed-u-cated! We're so glad she's happy and can't wait to be the spot where the marriage magic happens!

Blessings to one and all for a great rest of the week. Several things happening in and around the chapel this weekend, so we won't be bored! Make it a great one, today!


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