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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

When it's not a wedding weekend, all kinds of things happen! Yesterday was Cashion/Thomssen picnic day! Yummy stuff, our special picnic basket and the company of two of our favorites! Excellent!

Richard and Cindy continued our picnic tradition yesterday in an indoor picnic setting since it was hotter than blazes outside. They custom crafted a vintage picnic basket for us for our 25th wedding anniversary, and as a result, it's our 'go to' gift for special brides and grooms. We gave Sarah and Otto a really cool one that had the china in it that Sarah picked online. Jolene and John got one from us that included personal china items that we thought they'd enjoy. Based on this "Six degrees of Kevin Bacon picnic sammiches" we can now actually have a picnic for 8 of us, if we could ever all get on the same calendar for the same date! :) It's such a cool thing to have in your arsenal, and it looks great on a roadtrip and helps to assemble really good wicker basket memories from the first mile of the journey!

Otherwise, weed pulling and bible study at the chapel. Elena is going to make it sparkle tomorrow and then we start setting up for a REALLY fun wedding with a delightful pair of bride and groom, and we're so looking forward to it!

I need to re-do the 'parking' sign for the parking lot, since it's seen better days. I'm amazed at how much it's still needed, and forget that a lot of our wedding and charity event guests have never been here and don't know where to park. Easy fix!

Hopefully, all your problems and concerns are an easy fix today, as well! Blessings to one and all, and pray! Later!


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