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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Well, it looks slightly bruised around the edges, but it's so great to have the antique roses bloom!

Mary Frank told us about the rose disease that was sweeping the State, which had pretty much decimated our beautiful "Belinda's Dream" antique roses at the chapel. Well, it looks like they're making a slow but sure comeback in some locations. I don't know if this rose disease was something airborne, or bug created, but I do know that a friend saw a big black bug in the center of our roses a few years ago and freaked out, since they're apparently devastating to roses. I don't know if the big black bugs carry the disease, eat the flowers and stems or what, but I know that our rose blossom count is about 10% of what it had been. Let us pray for a return to beauty!

Tonight is book club night, and we're pretty stoked about that. Our book was set in the Soviet Union and is a Louis L'Amour survival novel, so the food choices were interesting. We're pretty much going with a Soviet/Russian menu, and I'm making vodka martini dip, and there's some kind of Russian potato pizza coming, and a stroganoff. We won't starve, as usual, and our diet will fare better than our hero in the book! No bear meat, apparently, so that's probably a good thing. The stroganoff actually won an award at a cook-off at the chapel, so it's making a return engagement with a new cook this time!

Texted with Savannah this morning as we approach the 30 day preview window for her big day. Hard to believe how fast the time flies, but when you're planning and enjoying the ride, it's a lot of fun! We've been looking forward to their big day for quite a while, and know it'll be perfect! Any party with lots of law enforcement around for atmosphere is usually tremendous!

Well, I need to tidy up some things around the main house, so I'll close. Best wishes to all for a wonderful week continuation, and I look forward to chatting at you again, soon. Oh, the zinnia seedlings are looking GREAT at the chapel as well! Yay!


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