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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

We love it when one wedding overlaps into another! This ring-bearer pillow was a custom made item from Taylor and Daniel's wedding that Taylor's mom had made. It's the perfect Texana design for us!

Taylor and Daniel's wedding was tremendous in theme and concept. We miss him to this day, but they had a few good weeks together before he left us too soon. The vintage Texas theme was tremendous, and the custom-made pillow from Taylor's mom was carefully crafted by Jolene into a 'pretend' ring-bearer's pillow for Jess and Sam's wedding. It was just right, and it's so neat when bride's materials get used more than once, and the joy gets shared. Well done, ladies!

Melanie came and did a great job in a video interview of Mrs. Boss and me yesterday. Her last video really made an impact on lots of our website viewers, and at least 100+ have told us that the video was informative and let them know who we were and all about our ministry. Melanie, yet again, did a great job with questions, and the film captured has real potential. We appreciate the attention from the Salado Tourism group and are looking forward to seeing the final product!

Going to be setting up the chapel for a small wedding celebration and ceremony this weekend. Mrs. Boss is playing music for the event and I'm doing the marryin'. Looking forward to making Art and Sue's day very special! After that, we'll begin setting up for Miss Denise's annual tea the net day! Fun on tap 24/7 @ the chapel! Blessings to one and all for a wonderful rest of the week... Later!


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