Wait, whaaat? The twins continue to recruit unsuspecting brides into merryment and hijinks! (That's their specialty!) What fun that they added Kelly Sanders to their list, since she's a fan of FUN!

They are all wearing hats for the annual tea, but that doesn't mean their not up to something! It's so fun having all 3 of these ladies in our midst. It looks like they set up their own, unofficial photo booth. So many people got snared in it, which is a good thing! Always enjoy these 3 in da houze!
Chloe is down at the chapel today, pulling weeds (finally!) from the front flower beds so that they look good. I think Mrs. Boss is going to container garden in that section for the rest of the year, since the hail DESTROYED our zinnia crop down there. Fortunately, we have enough zinnia stalks to provide to Evelyn when we go visit soon, and I can also have enough to bring to my lovelies at Dr. Matt's office. (Many are calling it Captain Rick's medical center, but we're not wanting to outshine our beloved physician!....it's a funny story. Ask me when you see me!)
Just got done getting the sleeve of my yukata caught on either the front door knob or decor hook. My 1920's pink pitcher that was in my other hand went flying and I broke off the handle when it hit the ground. Mrs. Boss is going to keep it without the handle and put a fake plant in it, and I'm sure it'll look great. It's such a cool shape and color, we're glad we are able to still enjoy it!
Blessings to one and all. Say prayers for each other, be open and honest, and look to forgive as many folks as you can! Later, taters!