Tonight, Tonight. The world is full of light, with suns and moons all over the place!

Who doesn't love a little original West Side Story reference on one of the biggest chapel days of the year! We're all set for another wonderful Wedding Homecoming, and cannot wait for he fun to start! 58 of our charges are expected, and we know there'll be great photos, memories and laughter shared all evening. Final touches of name tags, sign in, gift placement, song requests, etc...all coming together so nicely. I don't think Mrs. Boss has determined which outfit she's going with, but I'm all set with mine. I just need to wash the day off me and be ready to go.
I don't know if I mentioned it yesterday, but I FINALLY got all the overdue booking sheets done that were haunting me from the clipboard! So looking forward to this year's weddings, and it looks like the largest year in a while so far.
I'm thinking the vintage topper in the photograph is a find from our South Dakota trip with Sarah in 2018. It's one of the coolest we've ever found, and was not expensive. It's so exciting, as well, to think that this is the VERY FIRST wedding homecoming Sarah doesn't have to work, but attends as a "Sadie, Sadie, Marriedlady"! It's the stuff right there that makes this place such a joy for us both. .........I just noticed that it does almost look like the figurines on this topper are singing .... Maybe it IS Tony and Maria in a love duet? Only our blessed marrieds in attendance will know for sure............ Have a wonderful evening! We sure will!