This is a great shot and a fun reminder of the party that's going to happen at the chapel very soon!

We've known her since she was little, and just got to meet him a couple of months ago. They're apparently just right for each other, and we're thrilled to be part of a very nice, large wedding weekend in the near future. It's fun that she grew up just about a mile from here, too! Two families joining as one, and we can't wait! Congrats A&G! We'll be there will bells on! Oh, the other really cool thing is that this is the THIRD Holy Trinity Catholic High School graduate who has had their wedding or part of their wedding here as a result of a couple of fundraisers we did early on for HTCHS and Fr. Charlie's Chapel!
All is well in chapel land, but we could really use some rain. Mrs. Boss is diligently watering everything to keep it alive, and you can tell we're into the dog days of summer. All will be well, but fall will be fun, too! :)
We've had a schedule change in the last 24 hours, which has freed-up a very desired date in mid-October. If you know of anyone who's been turned away from other venues that were already booked, let us know. There's still plenty of time to make wedding magic happen between now and then! We do this professionally! :) Have a wonderful day, stay cool, and count your blessings. Maybe go through the alphabet like I did this morning and come up with a blessing for each letter! It was fun, and always amazing how quickly you can come up with 26 when there are thousands all around you! Make it a great one!