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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

The tremendous Eldorado isn't always involved in a wedding...she even made an appearance at prom!

Well, she did have to wash and prep her own prom-mobile, but Chloe got to go in style to the BHS prom this year. It was a distinct honor and privilege to be her driver for that fun evening. She and her friend looked amazing with the top down for prom arrival, and were seated very 'parade stance' on the top of the rear seat waving to the crowds! Several folks told us later that the two of them made the most memorable entrance of the evening, and we were so proud to make it happen. She's so grown up in this picture that it freaks me out!

Outstanding weekend at the chapel, and we have a NEW bride and groom to add to the hallowed list of most precious couples! Nicole and Gerrit are being married this fall, and we fell in love with them instantly. All the dishes, linens, etc. are already picked out, and we're well on our way to a great wedding day! He makes holsters for a living (does he fit right in or what?) and she is absolutely gorgeous. Definitely a Caliber Oak couple! Congratulations to the future Mr.& Mrs., and we cannot wait for the event!

Good bible study last night. Small crowd, but engaged in the discussion. We've decided to go ahead and do the second season of "The Chosen" for our continued studies. Also, we'll be meeting on the 4th of the July weekend, since enough of us are here, so feel free to join us Sunday @ 5p.

Otherwise, nothing earth-shattering here, but there IS a chance for rain. Please say a prayer...we need it so very badly. Blessings to one and all, and we'll talk at you soon!


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