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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

The General and His Lady.........what a wonderful day this was, and we're so glad they live close!

This wedding day for Sharon and Rick was 195% class all the way, and we had so much fun prepping and making it happen! We're so glad they're settled in our area, although their tremendous travel schedules make it hard to connect. We missed them at Wedding Homecoming and they're not able to make the March 6 charity event (sending a check, tho...did I not say 195% class!) :) but we're hoping our RV's will again be just a few doors away while the boat is handy and we get to have some more fun in the sun. Delightful pair who are PERFECT for each other! It's always so neat to be part of such a great martital sucess story!

Zero going on at the chapel today, but unless it's a wedding weekend, Fridays are usually a bit slower. Next visit isn't until the 20th, I think, but that always could change at any second. Bought morning glory seeds for the chapel garden, but the package says we need to wait until 3/15/22. We will be hitting the chapel landscape hot and heavy as of 3/15/22, since it's so sorely needed! Don't come too close during that time, or you'll end up with muddy knees! :)

Bible study continues tomorrow night with the discussion of the first episode of The Chosen, and we all can't wait! Hopefully, our new blackout curtains will be here soon, since the rods are, even though we don't need that until next week! Up to 36 for March 6, and room for more! Come have fun and RSVP with Mrs. Boss @ 254 760 1590. Later, chapel peeps!


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