Thank goodness that the Ol' Cap is better at throwing excellent weddings than cufflink photos!

Man, talk about blurry. Fortunately, as usual, you get the drift. This was a double wedding ring set that I found in the neato collection that Denise's sister Marcy sent to me. She's kept me in retro-fun cufflinks for years, and that's why I don't buy anything but French cuffed shirts. Anyway, when I discovered these last week, I put them on to go to church. I was thinking that THIS would be a great linky pair to wear for weddings, and especially when I'm the officiant for the ceremony! Kinda cool, eh? Thanks, again, Marcy!
Well, today is CHARITY DAY at the Chapel, and we're already looking forward to the 30+ folks who are coming to play games to benefit the Slice of Heaven Educational Farm. We love working with this charity, since Teresa and her board of directors REALLY step up to the plate with excellent food and beverages. We don't mind helping to underwrite the charity beyond the gift of the space for their event and setup, but this group never really needs our help and knows how to get folks in 'da house! We're looking forward to it. Unfortunately, our Senior Vice President of El Banco Georgetown cannot be here to be banker, but Mrs. Boss is going to become banker-for-a-day. Should work out just fine. Today at 5p, and we still have room for you, if you'd like to come and beat the heat!
Had a great time working through the choices for Emma Grace and Sean's wedding! It's such a wonderment when you've done such a good job with one daughter, that the second daughter gets married here too. It's happened lots of times and we re flattered! Can't wait for the big day, but we're not quite ready for Rob to get married, yet. Maybe we could put that on the back burner for a few years?!??! lol.
Hotter than a stolen handgun out there again today, and Mrs. Boss has worked diligently to keep things from frying in the gardens. We're ready for a little sprinkle of rain, Dear Lord, if'n you wouldn't mind?
Anyway, she's coming back from the store soon, and we're having lunch at the chapel and putting the final touches on tonight's setup. We're excited, since Samantha and family are coming to show the place to our groom's mom, and we know we'll enjoy that visit very much! Happiest of days to one and all, and smile even when you don't feel like it! That's the way to roll, y'all! Blessings!