One of the best parts of our chapel life is being a part of so many other lives long after the vows!

So many of our brides and grooms come to us with 'ready made' families and those families blend during the ceremony, reception, and the months and years after that. The complete honor is ours when after the rice has been thrown and the wedding cake eaten, we're continued to be invited inside and made to feel very much a part of the lives of our couples. This photo was taken just about at the end of the school year for Chloe, and it was her "Guard Showcase" night, where she was tremendous. Not long after this photo was taken, it was announced that she's the CAPTAIN of BHS Guard for this school year, which is a pretty danged big deal! We're so very proud of our little cookiecutter, and she is learning so much about responsibility, effort, commitment, and the payoffs of such endeavors. Twirl that rifle, girlie! We're so proud!
Another great chapel day today, and actually Chloe is on site making things happen all around for her summer work schedule. Today is not only bible study day (let us know if you'd like to join us at's a gas!) but we've got a great family coming to visit us in about 90 minutes that we're so looking forward to meeting as they look for just the right wedding venue.
Otherwise, hotter than blazes out there, and we're trying to stay cool. We hope you are too, but if you're reading the chapel blog on a regular basis, you already ARE one of the cool kids, so there you go. (as my friend Gus Portokalos says in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding") Blessings to one and all, and we'll catch you on the flip side! Make Sunday a Funday!