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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Love this shot of God's roses and Brandie's wedding sign for Taylor's wedding. Aged to perfection!

Whenever I see a single-petal rose like this in a landscape, yard or garden, the old, 1962 hit, "Ramblin' Rose" comes to mind with Nat King Cole's voice belting it out. It's something to do with a childhood memory. Single petal roses, being in a car, the sections of white-painted fence at Grandma Eifer's in Cherry Valley, and her Rambler (Ramblin'...get it...? ) in the garage. Such a strange connection of multiple elements that always come to mind with a single petal rose display.

Since they're far less common than the popular tea roses, antiques, floribunda's, etc. today, it's interesting to see a few varieties like "Knockout" take center stage for a change in latitude and attitude in roses for our area. Brandie's sign is just right with this little tuck of color next to the chalk rock.

Hope your weekend has been as bright and colorful as these friendly little flowers here. Ours certainly has been! No wedding this weekend meant that we were able to head to our favorite lakeside camping spot and enjoy some laziness away from the chapel! We got back just in time today, however, to meet with McKenzie as we start to plan her 20th Anniversary celebration with Lucas for next year! We love renewals, and consider them genuine crowning achievements of love, fellowship and compatibility. The couple who can stay together for 20 plus years genuinely knows about dealing with stressful issues, supporting each other and loving well. Isn't that what it's all about?!?!?

Continue to have a magical and fun weekend. Special prayers are going out to folks we know today, and we hope you'll consider joining us for bible study this afternoon as I recreate my mom's pancake recipe and we discuss Episode #4 of "The Chosen". There's always more room at the table. Blessings on each and every one of our dear readers!


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