Liking the layers of fun going on in the groom's room, and it's a neat how things come together!
When people bring their creativity to share at the chapel, it's always a great addition to what's already going on. Our Mom of the Bride from last weekend, created the coolest pocket square floral deal for the groom, groomsmen, etc. Check it out. Silver sage, some delicate wildflowers from her very own garden, a bit of trim and cardboard to attach it all so that it would ride just right in the jacket/shirt pocket. I would NEVER have thought of something so cool, simple and genuinely nice. It's neat that this particular display piece ended up at the end of the wedding in the old, 1950's suit salesmen's case I have on the dresser in the groom's suite. It's a neat old piece, too, and is handy for trinkets and display. These two things look great together, and are another reminder of the collective being effective!
Looking forward to meeting a new bride and her folks this weekend, and also starting to gear up for P&T's adventure as well. This is the time of the year for wedding activity, and we really enjoy it!
Also looking forward to bible study Sunday, so we hope we'll have a good sized group for that. This week, Cap is leading the discussion, and we're covering Episode 5 of The Chosen. Needless to say, the Wedding at Cana episode is one of our favorites of the series, already, since we can really relate!
Have a wonderful day, enjoy something new, and appreciate your family and friends. Talk with you soon!