A little rose bier for your viewing pleasure. Kind of a blast from the past but always lovely!

Not sure how long ago this photo was taken, but this rambling antique rose has had challenges over the last few years. It's still there, and throwing off thorns, but we're not sure how great the spring display will be. This rose illness that Mary told us about has truly affected roses throughout the area, but this old variety seems to be holding on, so we'll hope for a nice show in the spring. Sadly, this particular bush only blooms once a year in the springtime, but it is truly lovely when it does! Let us pray!
Hope everyone is going great at present! We're rolling along, although the plantings at the front of the chapel could use some water! Elena was down there this morning making things pretty for the Garden of Heaven fundraiser on Thursday, so I need to head down and start setting things up today! Hopefully, they're going to have a wonderful showing and raise lots of money for a very worthwhile cause! We are thrilled to be able to help.
Otherwise, nothing wildly chapelly related. Had a tremendous bible study at the chapel last night, and want to remind folks that they're welcome to join us. Great group, discussion, prayer, food and wine! Can't go wrong with that! Special prayers are going out this morning to Richard Bean who's having surgery today, and the chapel prayer team would love to have your prayers join ours, even if you don't know him! That's how the whole prayer circle thing works!
Anyway, have a great one, and enjoy your day. Hopefully, I'll be back 'on the air' with another brief update tomorrow. Peace, love and roses to ya!