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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

A fun photo from a great wedding! Our bride and groom were very special and so was our service team that made everything function perfectly. All elements were spot on, and we're so very thankful!

Jess and Sam were two of the best brides and grooms we've ever had. Not that ALL of our couples aren't special...since they are...but their laid back attitude, their trust in our direction, assistance and judgement, and an all around great feel to the evening was palatable! Sam looked incredible in her gorgeous gown from the new shop in Temple, and Jess pulled off the very cool and mighty studly shoulder holster 9mm action all evening long. They did beautifully for the ceremony and truly enjoyed their reception. It was a thrill to see them and so many of their fun family members the next day for item pick up. Sarah, Ciaran and Jolene did an incredible job with service, and Matthew was boffo as 'beertender' to the stars. As always, The Good Lord made a wedding event picture perfect for two very special people. Jess is a military veteran, and our own Samantha is currently in the police academy for Temple PD. Needless to say, a bride that can perform well in an active shooter drill the week of her wedding is ready for anything married life can throw her way! We're so darned proud of these two and hope for many more visits and laughs together!

Today, we got to be a part of Melanie's video project for Salado Tourism. Stay tuned for the release of our edited video! Blessings to one and all for a great rest of the week, and more of Jolene's tremendous photos are yet to come!


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