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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

TODAY was the day! THIS was the place!

We were both reminded again today what a blessing this chapel truly is for so many. Laura and Joey were married here today with a beautifully simple and elegant wedding and reception. These are quality people....and this wedding is the kind of event that we are so proud. Laura is an absolute confection of delight, and her new husband is a very capable and caring American Hero. We could not be prouder of these two, and so thankful that we have a place they could call home for the biggest day of their lives. It just doesn't get more genuine and meaningful than this. On top of all that, Laura was the very first bride photographed in the '73 Cadillac Fleetwood, and I FINALLY get to share some of those photos in upcoming posts! Whew! I hardly could wait! Blessings to these two as they start down life's road together. Well matched, cared for, and always having a place to come back to at Caliber Oak.

Well, since the dust settled on this excellent wedding, we haven't done much but make a sandwich, open a bottle of wine and put our feet up! Cleanup will begin tomorrow and Wedding Homecoming Dinner invitations will be continued then. We've already got a passel of our special brides and grooms coming via RSVP and know it will be another excellent memory. We love how life moves on and He keeps providing just the right couples for the blessings of this place.

Visualizing abundance and not want is important. We cannot be trusting if we're always worried about what's around the next corner. See the success in front of you...visualize what it'll look like....and it'll happen. That IS how He works if we let him! Blessings to all, and drop a prayer upward tonight for our beloved Laura & Joey....they're going to have a wonderful ride!

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