Congratulations and Welcome!

We are pumped about this one! Amanda & Cooper came out to see the chapel last friday and we had such a fun visit, we hoped that they'd choose our special place for their wedding....well...Sunday night, Amanda texted me and said the chapel was IT, and we're really not surprised. This delightful couple just simply belongs here. Hard workers, genuine, and so very much in love...and everyone knows how much Cap likes a groom that's a gun-guy! We can't wait for the big day and spent the evening last night going over the entire plan for their celebration. It's going to be great and we're so thankful they selected our chapel. AND (since I have to give them a little ribbing...) I told them they looked like 'farm family of the month' with their plaid shirts on the same night! hhehehehe. Blessings and happiess for these two who are truly special!
Just came in from the potting shed, and the linen cleanup from Amanda & Nathan's wedding is getting just about done...the fun news is that fresh new linens are already resting on the dinner tables for M&D's great adventure coming up soon! Love the colors she's picked, and the whole wedding is going to be a nice twist on a chapel theme! Getting special setup help tomorrow, and hope to do a little bit more this afternoon evening to move the ball forward. Also looking forward to a new trick on getting the entry hall rug clean (what an exciting blog, non?) since we collect about 35 lbs of dirt in that thing every year! Guess that's what it's there for. Weather is tremendous, we are well, and the fun continues!
Being confident in His protection and love. That takes practice, too, don't you think? I love it when I reach a new 'mini-plateau' in my faith and stop letting nagging doubts and concerns cloud the day... It doesn't always work, but when we're in form, and in's priceless! Have a blessed day out there today, chapel fans, and come see us soon!