Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Kennett!!!Woohooo!

Fantastic weather, fantastic couple, and magical day... Amanda and Nathan had their very special wedding here at the chapel on Saturday, and it was danged.near.perfect! Great guests, good food, fun folks to work with, and lots of laughs. Just the way a wedding weekend should be...We are so excited for their future, and we know it'll be bright. Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. K, and come visit us soon to put your BEAUTIFUL sign in the celebration tree!
And we move forward.... After my tremendously late crawling.out.of.bed time this morning (too embarrassing to post) it's almost time to head back down to the chapel, get my laundry started, and start prepping for chapel cleaning to make things sparkle for THIS weekend's magical fete. M&D are going to throw a wonderful wedding feast with STRONG Puerto Rican flavor. We cannot WAIT! Great food, fun music, and a delightful bride and groom. Excited for this event and know we'll have a wonderful time...
Letting go. When you're not sure...just turning it over, and pretty much....He lets you know how things are all going to work out... Sometimes, we're unsure of our prayer process and it's fun to check in with the Boss, since we're almost always on the right track, and the evidence appears quite quickly that we're stepping on the stones on the path that He has chosen. Thank you, God, for such a blessed life, special chapel, and wonderful partner.... Happy Monday to all, and let Him help you OWN this week, people! You'll never get it back!