It's Official! Two have become one!

Warm congratulations to our wonderful Tristan and Shawn... Since those names could work both ways, and some folks reading the blog haven't met our couples yet, Tristan is the bride and Shawn is the groom! We had a very special ceremony and a delicious reception! Glad we didn't start too late, since it's starting to get darker outside quicker than I expected! The Salado Trio added their usual touch of class to the ceremony, and catering was top-of-game with great apps, salad, and a major leauge dinner that was almost impossible to finish! A great time was had, and the couple loaded up major on some cool gifts! Blessings to T&S for happiness always. Already looking forward to their next visit, and they've got January 24 on their calendar for Wedding Homecoming Dinner already!
In the regroup mode today....all the linens from this great event are bagged/washed or soaking, and we'll be blessed with a clean chapel later today. Setup will begin for A&N's very special wedding in just a few days. It's going to be lovely, and we've been planning this one for quite a while. Also thankful for the help we're getting this week with setup.
His love for us reminds me of a blanket. Warm, covers all of you, provides comfort and protection. Thank you, God for your blanket of grace and love we enjoy every day! Peace out for a massively blessed Monday, y'all!