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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Who in the world would want to be married in the city when you have 45 private acres of wedding bliss right here at your fingertips?!?! Comfortable, paparazzi-free, relaxed and genuine - all here!

While some of our brides and grooms are quite the sophisticates, they understand a genuine and 'just right' location as well as anyone else. Avoiding the 'townie' wedding is imperative for focus, quiet, and a dedication to the most important day of your life! We've been to weddings where folks hang over the fence and shout congratulations right in the middle of an urban wedding ceremony, and have also seen total strangers walk through a wedding in town and graze on the food that's been provided for wedding guests! Seriously!?!?? That's why you want your wedding in the country where you won't be disturbed or otherwise molested. The entire property is humming with the dedication to your event and the stillness, quiet and beauty is all around. No strangers, no honking of horns, and no distractions to take away from your special-ness! Even if you don't select the Chapel at Caliber Oak... DON'T do a wedding that can get disrupted! :)

The chapel lost electrical power earlier today from wind storm results, and is all good and back online. A few pieces of outdoor furniture were up-ended and a fountain was knocked about, but otherwise, all was well. A nice cut of the grass tomorrow will make the place look even better!

Have to run to prepare for this weekend's event! We love making the most of every gathering here a the chapel, and think we do a pretty darned good job for the right folks! Blessings one and all for a continued great week!


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