We don't know about other places, but our brides create their own light and power source! I'm thinking that these two could put the solar and wind farms completely out of business with their voltage!

Kel and Sarah know how to create light and magic, and we're proud to have them as our official brides from the Chapel at Caliber Oak. They're both sources of a lot of fun and energy, and never seem to run out of either! These two are savvy ladies who have picked great guys, and we love being a part of their story. God bless the couples that these two are part of!
Calvin is here helping out today. One of his chores is making the 'turkey foot' weeds that are in the lantana disappear! We're still working on the fountain down there, since the extension we were running the pump on has completely melted down. Then this morning, the extension cord Calvin wanted to use for vacuuming the boat malfunctioned as well. Wow, the Chinese extension cord products have even dropped one whole step on the quality ladder! :(
Otherwise, Clemente worked on the front porch railing and stairs and painted the porch. It's great to have it nice and fresh for our next two events in the next 3 weeks! Cannot wait! We are so blessed by great clients that so often turn into wonderful friends and neighbors.
Nothing else to report from Chapel land. Be good, say your prayers, and please feel welcome to attend bible study tomorrow @ 5p. Just let us know if you're coming..... See you soon!