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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Sometimes, beautiful is a bit bougie. If yer gonna be bougie, you definitely need a 1971 Cadillac Eldorado, a tremendous wedding gown and those glasses. Now THAT's bougie. Great bridal photo shoot!

It was so fun having Chloe here for the photoshoot on Thursday. She's coming to wedding homecoming tonight, so that'll make the fun continue. The shots were carefully planned, thoughtful and very thorough. I'm sure the depth of the vision she captured will be exploding on the chapel website in the weeks to come! Good job, Chloe!

Headed to the barber this morning so that I look my absolute best for our brides and grooms at wedding homecoming 2025 this evening. Cannot wait to see the kiddos and having Andrea's cake, Carol's pizza and Vance's music puts the night over the top. We so need it, since it's supposed to be 26 degrees overnight! Yikes!

Everything will freeze off tonight, but there'll be a rebirth of fresh leaves, shoots and blooms at the chapel before we know it. We're all good until next month on chapel activities, and we're ok with that. We've actually got some camping dates on the calendar during the wedding downtime.

Moore Air checked out the heating and air conditioning so we're all set for the 2025 wedding year! Woooohoo! Hope everyone is doing great. Brides and grooms........don't forget........If you're already a married Caliber Oak bride and groom, you're welcome to be here TONIGHT @ 7p for the par-tayyyy. Blessings to one and all!

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