Kinda blurry, but you get the idea! The regal colors of this setup are just right for this week!

My photo skills aren't always the best, but again, you get the drift. There's magic in this mulberry maroon backdrop with the gold chargers and ivory napkins. It couldn't be a better match for the decor that's already celebrating Christmas at the chapel. It's kind of a Very Joan Collins Christmas with almost an 80's/90's vibe thrown in. Very luxe.
Busy times at the chapel today. Emma and Ciaran were both in the house helping to make spirits bright for the holidays. Emma expanded the current table setting for Colleen's numbers for her event, and Ciaran finished up the silver chargers that worked so well for the last 2 Christmas parties. It's been such a sugar-coated delight to have so many at the chapel for the holiday, and such a wonderful opportunity to give back to worthwhile organizations.
All the tender vegetation has been removed from the chapel landscape, and we may be trimming post-frost branches soon. The temperatures are expected to dip tonight, so we'll see what things look like after that. The chapel lantana did so well earlier in the year, and seemed to have expected lots of rain all summer (not quite) so it got a big leggy towards the latter weeks. No matter, it will all be trimmed nicely, and pop right back up next year when the time is right! Praise God!
Ok, time to bail out, since I hear that champagne may be in the offering for this much as I love to blog............. but. Champagne! Blessings to all!