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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

A Happy Howdy from Caliber Oak!

Hope everyone is having an excellent week, and we certainly are, since we're preparing for a wonderful wedding! Gotta love this business as no other to make it your one-in-all of joy! We're so thankful! This weekend's plan is shaping up beautifully, and we're hoping it won't be 100 degrees that day, which it's not expected to reach! Woohooo! As always, fun food, frivolity and smiles will be on tap all around, and we have the finest team -anywhere- assembled to make wedding magic happen smoothly and flawlessly! Que piano, and GO!

Otherwise, not too much to report..........had a great yoga session at J. Genevieve last night....if you haven't been there on a tuesday night for yoga, you're missing out, fer sure! There's another one at 9:30 a.m. on Thursdays now, so get her mat on down there for some stretchy bendy! ====================A certain someone's birthday dinner is coming up and so far, all I can come up with is black bread and cheese fondue. "?" oh, well, it won't matter, I'll still get another year older, even if I eat fish sticks! :) =================Working on getting a new truck to pull the new travel trailer......that's not going as smoothly as we'd like, but all will work out in His way and in His time! It's so nice to have Him in our corner! ======================Continuing to water, and have heard there might be some rain on the way? My phone isn't saying that, but I'll take it, if it is! Wouldn't that be loverly! ========================Anyway, press into prayer and press often! You're making multiple copies! :) Have a blessed, appreciative and rewarding day!

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