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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Wonderful Weddings and Happiest of Honeymoons!

Needless to say, we absolutely love helping to plan, execute and celebrate the coolest weddings in the world at our chapel! Another fun part of our blessed professional life is getting to hear all about the special Caliber Oak couple's honeymoons and see the photos! They've honeymooned at home, at the beach, in the mountains, and just about everywhere. Having these tremendous brides and grooms in our lives AFTER the excitement of the wedding week has passed is our largest joy, we think, since they become our friends and it's like having one big, extended family! Honeymoon on, loved ones!

Getting the final polish on the setup for this weekend's very special "Montana in Salado" wedding! This family grouping is delightful, and we cannot wait for our bride and groom to make it happen. Unfortunately, some of our outdoor plans may be a little 'under water' with the rain, but no matter. The inside will be fun, happy and intimate. So excited for R&C on their big day, and they've got wonderful vendors all lined up! ... We were so blessed to book 2 weddings in one day this week, which is always fun, and both couples are a delight...more to come in that arena as we move along. ... New plants are planted along the front of the chapel this week, and we're loving the fall-freshness of it all! Come visit us!

He makes His ways known very clearly when it's time. Adjustments get made, improvements are had and His love for us is unending. We cannot thank our Gracious Father enough for what He does for us every day, and how he moves us forward in such positive and loving direction. Say "howdy" to the Big Guy today! He'd love to hear from you! Blessings to all for a vivacious and victorious weekend!

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