St. Louis School Faculty Invades Chapel. It was GREAT!

What an absolute treat it was to have the faculty team from St. Louis School in Austin at the chapel on Monday for their retreat. Denise and I have had a long relationship with STL and have both been involved in the school in the past...Denise as the former Webminister, and I worked as Development Director a while back. Still dedicated to quality education, faith formation and excellence. We were thrilled that they spent the day with us, and hope they (and other worthy groups) will feel free to come and utilize the beautiful facility that God has given us!
A rainy day at C@CO. Cindy came by today for our Lenten Crafting session, and we spent the day creating a terrific banner for the upcoming Kite Fest for St. Joseph's Episcopal in Salado. If you haven't already marked your calendar for the 4/29/18 event, please do. Lots of kites, gliders, hot dogs, laughter, fun and games. It's our second year, and we hope it'll be even better than last year....although we don't know how THAT's possible!