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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

An English geranium wedding theme!

Can it be September, already!?!?! Well, you can tell I've been reading a novel set in the UK, since geraniums are on my mind. What an amazing way to bring the outdoors inside in a perky and earthy way for a special celebration. Hardy, happy and stout, these little fellows could really 'splash up' a wedding celebration, AND be around for a long time afterward as part of the newlywed's garden plan! Fun.

Mild activity level at the chapel today! Need to get the vendor list off to Elizabeth, pull the Eldorado convertible out for a trip to town, run an errand, and also get to see Angie and James' new home! Several things on the list, but all worth doing and all such a simple joy. Made an Outlander Cookbook meal last night at the chapel, which was just OK, but it's primarly my fault, as I overcooked the veal. Smoked the place up a bit, too....thank goodness for all those doors! Watering is needed at the chapel today, but Harvey gave us about a week off in that department, so we really can't complain.

The flower doesn't know it will be as beautiful as it is when it first starts out. Isn't that like us in His garden? Here's hoping everyone blooms in living color today, and shares their special hues with others!

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