Love this magical photo!

We don't think this one ever got posted back when this wonderful wedding happened. Love the freshness, happiness and hope in their faces, and so enjoyed having their biggest of days here. Recently, Jordan Overturf of Overturf Wedding Photography, took one of the photos from Melinda and Tremaine's wedding and caused it to 'move' with a new photo program! Very Harry Potter meets Chapel! Congratulations, again, Melinda and Tremaine, and so looking forward to having you come visit soon!
Prayers continue for Rory Barros, as he recovers from his injuries from last weekend. So impressed at the level of support and encouragement the Caliber Oak family has provided! Hang in there, Rory! Headed to town today to get a few things, and to give Miss Alice Fleetwood a run....she sounded coming home from Temple the other day, so we'll see what the scoop is. Just noticed that her taillight is in the photo above....what a ham! I think M&T's wedding was her very first at the chapel...? We're waiting on rains that are supposed to come it, so maybe the flowers will get a drink. Let us pray.
Solutions are always forthcoming. Maybe not in our time, but certainly in His. Just like Rory, we need to all hang in there, and be patient with our matter the rate. Blessings to all for a strength-building, prayerful day!