When pretty marries charming...it's ALL good!

What a wild and wet Saturday we had this weekend for Ashley and Gus' wedding, but it was MAGICAL, despite the rain that never.stopped.all.day! We almost went for the outdoor ceremony, and at the last minute called in 'plan B' and THANK GOD we did! The rain really came down during the ceremony and reception. No matter, however, since these two cool cats took everything so beautifully in stride and just dealt! They are both so delightful, and Ashley looked amazing in her petaled gown with outstanding jewelry and ah.maz.ing look! Gustavo rocked the banded collar with the coolest silk vest and they both had such a great time! Blessings to these two, and many thanks for allowing us to help make your most special of days truly that! Viva Indoors!
Reassembling life at the chapel today after this most excellent wedding. Got to visit with Ashley's family for 'stuff' pickup, and had a great visit. After that, the wonderful T&C came out to visit with their entourage to see about the chapel for their wedding. Seems like a perfect match! We shall see! Lots of chair covers to wash, since they ALL got wet outside during Saturday's festivities, and we made headway in to cleaning stuff up. All will look better tomorrow, and we get to visit with K&B on their wedding plan. Springtime is coming and the chapel is getting geared up for all this wonderful activity!
Some moments are better than others for each of us. I think the strategy is to be appreciative for all of them, and know that He has us in the palm of His hand. Have a wonderful week, dear reader, and keep smiling and remaining thankful for every day!