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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

A wonderful wedding memory!...Kelly & Sammy!

Taking a few minutes today to reminisce on the magical wedding of Kelly & Sammy. Great memories are made of times like this. We're also so very excited about the baptism of Colt at the chapel, which continues our wonderful connection and life event sharing! Kelly is working on a special project (s) for the chapel, which is made all the MORE special, since she's one of our very magical brides. We are so honored by strong couples like Kelly & Sammy staying in our circle...and it just so beautifully enhances the flavor of life around here!

Speaking of adding to flavor....Angie has been helping us this week with baby Harper by her side, and we're getting a lot of stuff done! Currently in preparation for Coop & Mandy's magical adventure (we can't wait!) but there's lots of stuff on 'Angie's List' (couldn't resist!) that will help us tremendously. The rain is apparently gone for a little while, and now if we can just get past the 2-hour threat (at GAMEtime no less) for the wedding, we'll be golden... Today is fun activities that keep the place looking its best for the big day. Angie finished making cookies for Denise's office yesterday, and the entire chapel smelled like sugar, lavender and lemon! Woohoo! Many thanks to Mary Frank for her excellent, hand-crafted lavender cookbook for Christmas...and the cookies turned out to be divine. Thank goodness Angie was baking them, or the Cap would have probably not had such a great result. Looking forward to a special couple visit coming up in a few days and a GREAT pair of church services on Sunday. Also have a few couples coming to visit the chapel for a potential blessings abound!

Planting seeds every day in the garden....literally....but also attempting to plant seeds in life around us that will grow. We believe He gives us the seeds, and asks us to share. Planting, nurturing and enjoying the abundance we're given... What a fun task to be gardeners in the vineyard! Blessings to all for days that literally sprout goodness and love! Peace Out!

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