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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

These two ALWAYS glow!

Do you ever get to spend time around two people who always make you smile? That would be Jess & Chris. Since this Wedding Homecoming Dinner photo, she's become a nurse, and he's taken on some special projects for Cap...when he's not busy being an American Hero for our US Army. We're so glad we're in touch with these two. So very proud of them both, and we are always looking forward to seeing them out here!

Things have quieted down since the wild and wooly wedding weekend! Still enjoying the beautiful flowers and cake plateau Hope and Scott left for us, and working through the mounds of laundry from the big day! Sheri got to be here for a visit yesterday, and that was fun!

Today's calendar is very quiet, and I'm not complaining! May even get to slip into the spa at some point today. My prayer is that everyone who needs today, receives, and is reminded of how available His love is at all times. Have a great Wednesday!

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