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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

And the groom QUALIFIES!

I mean, it's not necessary for every future groom at the chapel to qualify on the pistol range with a 96% score before their wedding....but it's nice when it happens! We had a great time at the range yesterday with RML, who's getting hitched here pretty quick. He was excellent with The Future Mrs. Leal's 9mm Taurus, and rocked my old duty belt pretty well. Apparently a badge isn't too far off in the future for this young man. We're so excited about their wedding day, we can hardly stand it! Bride and groom headed 'downrange'!

Sunny and excellent is the weather today, and I get to have a tremendous healing massage by the one and only Linda P. Egg, R.N. here in Salado. If you have an ache, pain, or just need a good, therapeutic massage, Linda is the 254. 947. HAND.

Worked on the second annual "Scenes From" fundraiser last night with the Askins, and the scripts, actors, and wine are all coming together nicely! Be sure to SAVE THE DATE for this excellent evening of fundraising for Wags, Hope and Healing. August 9, 2015 @ the chapel. Don't miss it!

Heading out in the limo a bit this week just to keep our champagne skills sharpened. We are blessed to have the ultimate in professional, personal protection drivers. God bless them!

Find happiness today in counting as many blessings as you can. Trust'll take all day and all night and you STILL won't get them all!

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